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Our team is a carefully handpicked group of the world’s best talent, many of us holding advanced degrees in the fields of animation, video production, medicine, engineering, and design. With over 2 decades of experience our team members have played a critical role in our clients’ monumental successes, garnering many well deserved accolades. This successful legacy reflects our strategic vision, creative ingenuity, and unwavering devotion to quality.


Our Mission, Our Vision

From the beginning, we knew our group was unique, highly creative, business-savvy individuals, fueled by imagination and innovation, commited to not just our clients’ success but also the success of our own people. We had already spent countless hours collaberating on client projects, creating memories and sharing memes, so building Blue Sun was just the inevitble outcome of that comradery; putting us in control of our creative destinies and allowing us to work with amazing clients and projects that challanged us artisticlly.

Let’s Connect

Ready to start a project? Looking for General information? Reach out and lets talk!

Stats That Matter

Decades of Experience

(Successfully) Completed Projects

Hours of Animation

Cans of Mountain Dew

Abandoned Spotify Playlists (Estimated)

The AI Monster: Will it empower a new generation of artists or replace them?

May 14, 2024 AI based art tools. Will they replace the human element or will they help empower a new generation of artist. Read More

The Symbiosis of Art and Technology in STEM: Visualizing Complexity through 3D Artistry

October 11, 2023 The convergence of creativity and bleeding-edge technologies empowers 3D artists to visualize intricate scientific concepts and data. Read More
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