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The Symbiosis of Art and Technology in STEM:

Visualizing Complexity through 3D Artistry

In STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), two subjects that at first glance appear to be distinct—art and science—are intricately bound together. 3D artists are able to bring complicated scientific ideas to life by fusing imagination with cutting-edge technology. This allows them to provide fresh insight into research and development and create captivating visual storytelling out of raw data, giving an audience a greater grasp of our ever-expanding knowledge of the cosmos.

Validation On A Grand Scale

Photo Credit: Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

One example of how artists and scientists worked together is Christopher Nolan’s 2014 film “Interstellar” and its depiction of the black hole within the film “Gargantua”. Working with theoretical physicist Kip Thorne who also consulted on the 1985 film “Contact,” the creative team was able to utilize scientific concepts for the film’s cosmological ideas.

Five years later, a team of scientists using the Event Horizon Telescope were able to obtain an image of M87, a supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, and the similarities are astonishing.

Adding The “A”

So why did we add the “A” (Arts), why did STEM become STEAM, and why should you care?

“We added the A to STEM because most engineers can make something functional, but can’t get anyone to use it unless it looks good. We added the A to STEM because every Biologist has a notebook filled with their drawings and paintings from the field. We added the A to STEM because technologist and futurists are inspired by the tales and stories of their youth. We added the “A” to STEM because everybody recognizes that their inextricably intertwined, you do not get STEM without the Arts, but funding gets tied to STEM.”

Learn more about the Photo of M87 on NASA’s website here: 

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